Monday, February 16, 2015


Friday the 13th, and Valentine's Saturday, plus a Monday President's Day Holiday added up to a fabulous long weekend. 

A hilly morning bike ride Saturday on the interior roads of Griffith Park was a terrific start.  It was a beautiful day, with gorgeous views. 

The view toward the west from the top of Mt Hollywood Dr
I am grateful Mt Hollywood Drive is closed to traffic.  It is a spectacular and scenic place to pedal, and hike.  This interior park road has been closed to vehicular traffic since 1992, but the cash-strapped city is thinking of re-opening it, and charging for parking.   Ugh!  I hope it never happens.

My Valentine, (Gerry) and I enjoyed our date Saturday afternoon and evening.  We saw the movie, "The Imitation Game" at the ArcLight in Hollywood. 

Afterwards, we stopped off at the grocery store, and purchased Ahi Tuna.  Gerry grilled dinner for us - Ahi with roasted potatoes, seasoned green beans and a bottle of Babcock Pinot Noir, appropriately named "A Slice of Heaven."  

Wine was heavenly

As was our Valentine's Day Dinner for Two
Our time together is precious
Love one another. 

Peace for all.