Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bye Bye Glendale Office of RaceReady

We spent all day yesterday helping with the move of RaceReady from Glendale to Torrance..... Very weird to see the business (which we've built up over 18 years) suddenly disappear or transition to a new owner.  I realize it will be a big adjustment for us.   In a way though, I feel we filled the American Dream - combining our passion (running) with our pay check (RaceReady.)  We did have tons of fun and believe me, runners are the best market in the world.   I feel fortunate.  It was  a good thing to be able to walk into the RaceReady office every  day and feeling  what I did was fun, and not the nasty 4 letter word: "work."    It proved to be an enjoyable business being involved in the running community.  We met so many wonderful friends and I don't regret for a minute all the time we spent at RaceReady.    But WOW...I better just end this post before I get too nostalgic.  There is no good whatsoever in crying over my keyboard.  Here's looking to sunny days ahead! 


  1. Love the pic of you two! And I know whatever lies ahead will be fun! hey, we need to place a redirect from the old blog to this one. And do you want an archive of all the Ask Mary stuff?

  2. I can also get you an archive of the old blog that (I think) you can import into Blogger. Keep me posted!
