Friday, February 25, 2011


Tuesday, March 8th, ELECTION DAY is rapidly approaching!    I know it is an "off year" and not a "major election" to some people.   I believe politics start locally and then move onto a broader scale.   It is important to believe in your local council members, and support the candidates who are intelligent, honest and hard-working.  

Many of our "off year" elections are decided with a very small minority of the voting public casting their ballot.   This is truly a sad state of affairs, which can easily be remedied.  Anyone who has been paying attention to the global news can appreciate how fortunate we are to live in a democratic society.    However, the democratic policy will only exist and thrive if people participate!   

Despite the name of  my blog, Mary's Musings and More, this is no time for MUSING, but a time for ACTION.

I encourage everyone to get out and vote!   Do your homework -- find the candidate who best represents your values and who  will work hard to get things done!  I've done my homework in my home district, County District 4 of Los Angeles, and will be casting my ballot for Stephen Box.

We've thus far gone to two of the Candidate Debates.  Stephen Box seems to be the most intelligent, responsible, earnest candidate by far of the three and I truly hope he gets elected as Council Member for CD4.  As a long-time resident of Los Angeles, I am very tired of "the old boys club" which currently runs City Hall.   Fresh blood and honest down-to-earth candidates are what we need.  I believe Stephen Box will work for the citizens of Los Angeles and will make his actions transparent, thus encouraging the public process.  The public process and transparency  seem to have gone by the wayside in recent years.  
Please Vote and encourage others to Vote;  democracy only works if we participate in the process!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Retirement 101

So, what has it been like being retired thus far?   I have been asked this question quite often these past few months.  Actually the answer is "pretty good", but there are obvious quirks to work out.   A major quirk is the O.P.  (Office Pit.)   I tend to be a really obnoxiously organized-type person  and Gerry organizes things.... well, let's say a bit differntly than I do.   Hence in our communal office here, oft times, neither of us can find anything!  We're getting better ( I think) at working out our idiosyncracies.   This too will pass.

Time!     Ah --- So many hours now where I am not at RaceReady.   I truly enjoy playing the piano, which soothes my soul  (it does zilch towards world peace & other worthwhile goals) but I feel better after  my personal piano session, so I hope to continue this pleasure, with no guilt strings (or piano keys)  attached.

Other productive time is being spent on Friends of Griffith Park  our new non-profit organization which is solely focused on Griffith Park.    Taking a daily hike into the Park early evening has also  become  a routine.

Tranquility, Peace,  Friendship,  Service, Love.... 5 messages I intend to spread during my retirement!

Yours in Musings,

Musing in Kauai, 2006

Musing  on the Central Coast, Sept  2009

Musing in Machu Picchu!  June 2010

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day !

Thinking LOVE  - be it person or place or situation..... Place your energies into what matters in your heart.

I am personally grateful for being married to my best friend, and husband, GERRY!     Believe me, he is most certainly my beloved, and  BETTER HALF!

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY -   SPREAD LOVE ---- the perfect message.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


OK, we have been officially retired for almost 2 months.  Time most certainly does fly.   However I have to come to grips with the letting go of  RaceReady.   I feel like I "sold my baby" and I still get emotional thinking about it.   

Tim, the new owner, is very business-savvy, yet I fear the personal touch appeal of our business will diminish.  We'll see.  

I'm dealingl  Hiking more is great, having time to indulge in reading is fantastic.

Perhaps it is my work ethic which has beeen thorougly ingrained into my pysche, but I  do have problems dealing with "feeling guilty" for taking it easy.   

Plenty of projects on the burner, so I better light the fires.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

BEND All Over!

We're back from a long weekend in Mt. Bachelor and Bend OR.   What a nice area!   We cross-country skied both Saturday & Sunday.  It was the first time on X-Country Skis in probably 14 years.

Gerry got the knack very quickly!    I am not nearly as coordinated as Gerry, but I managed to "remember" how to ski, too.    It was great fun, though sore muscles afterward.   We could tell it's been awhile since we've done this activity!

Our highlight meal of the trip was our final night's dinner on Sunday evening at the BlackSmith Restaurant.

I hope we do another cross-country ski adventure in the near future.... I have no intention to let such a long time elapse before the next cold weather active vacation!