Thursday, February 17, 2011

Retirement 101

So, what has it been like being retired thus far?   I have been asked this question quite often these past few months.  Actually the answer is "pretty good", but there are obvious quirks to work out.   A major quirk is the O.P.  (Office Pit.)   I tend to be a really obnoxiously organized-type person  and Gerry organizes things.... well, let's say a bit differntly than I do.   Hence in our communal office here, oft times, neither of us can find anything!  We're getting better ( I think) at working out our idiosyncracies.   This too will pass.

Time!     Ah --- So many hours now where I am not at RaceReady.   I truly enjoy playing the piano, which soothes my soul  (it does zilch towards world peace & other worthwhile goals) but I feel better after  my personal piano session, so I hope to continue this pleasure, with no guilt strings (or piano keys)  attached.

Other productive time is being spent on Friends of Griffith Park  our new non-profit organization which is solely focused on Griffith Park.    Taking a daily hike into the Park early evening has also  become  a routine.

Tranquility, Peace,  Friendship,  Service, Love.... 5 messages I intend to spread during my retirement!

Yours in Musings,

Musing in Kauai, 2006

Musing  on the Central Coast, Sept  2009

Musing in Machu Picchu!  June 2010

1 comment:

  1. Mary ~ You've worked hard! I'm glad to hear that you're relaxing, reading, playing the piano, and hiking. love, corinne
