Sunday, March 13, 2016

Glad I am Right Handed

Thursday morning I went on a bike ride on a gorgeous morning, with plenty of sunshine. Spring was in the air, with the birds chirping, and the flowers and plants in blossom.  I was 8.5 miles into the ride when I went over a speed bump near a grille that was covered with leaves and loose gravel.  I swerved, and lost control of my bike and went down hard on the pavement.  My left arm took the brunt of the fall. 

The accident happened only a mile from my home, near a western entrance to the park.  Two hikers came to my rescue.  They offered to call 911, but I had them call Gerry at home instead.  He came to my rescue within minutes.  We went home, and I spent the next few hours with an ice pack on my arm.  Mid afternoon Gerry drove me to have it x-rayed.  I was 99 percent certain it was broken, and sure enough, I have an olecranon fracture which requires surgery. 

Friday afternoon I scheduled an appointment  with Dr. Brian Dierckman at the Southern California Orthopedic Institute in Van Nuys.  They are trying to work me in for surgery Tuesday (if not Tues, it will be Thurs.)

Arm heavily bandaged and wrapped from shoulder to wrist
I am on anti-biotics, (last thing I need is an infection) and I'm taking plenty of ibuprofen.  Still, my arm is severely swollen.

If my hand is this big and ugly, maybe it's a good thing I can't view my arm!
So, this will be a test of my patience....a good opportunity to read books, magazines and newspapers.  I'll miss playing the piano, and of course I'll miss riding my bike.  But I expect to be up and walking around within a week.  I plan to resume hiking, but will stick with the easy trails for a while.  Last thing I need is another fall!

I'm looking at 2 to 3 months pf physical therapy.  Supposedly, it takes 6 months to fully recover from this.  Looking at the bright side, if I had to break an appendage, I'm glad it is my left arm.   It is far preferable than my right arm, left leg, or right leg. 

Hey, I'm getting the hang of this one-handed typing!


  1. Ouch! Feel better - I always throw my left arm/leg/whatever out to save me. I think it's our brains instinctively protecting our dominant sides. The bad news: over the years, my left side has taken quite a beating! :-)

    1. Thanks Eileen. Surgery scheduled for Thurs afternoon,

  2. Wow, looks like you really did a number on yourself. I have gone down while cycling a couple of times. I'm always surprised how fast it happens. Sounds like you have a plan forward and a lot of support. Adversity brings opportunity, embrace it. If your looking for a good long read...I recommend The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert.

    1. Thanks Patrick. I'll add it to my reading list. I did read and enjoy, "Eat, Pray, Love." I'll be back in the saddle again...

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